In April 2024,Guangzhou,as the vane of China's foreign trade, the 135th Canton Fair arrived as scheduled, bringing together buyers and suppliers from all over the world. In this grand event that brought together 29,000 exhibitors, IDEA attracted countless attention with its unique exhibits and meticulous services. It not only received a steady stream of customers, but also received generous orders.
Since its establishment, IDEA BOTTLE has established a good reputation in the industry with its high-quality products and exquisite craftsmanship. At this Canton Fair, our booth design was full of modernity, while integrating the essence of traditional glass craftsmanship, displaying a series of glass products that are both beautiful and practical. From classic household utensils to creative decorative works of art, every "IDEA" product demonstrates the manufacturer's ultimate pursuit of details and deep understanding of aesthetics.
In addition to displaying eye-catching product series,IDEA has also taken a series of effective measures to ensure that visiting customers can get the best visiting experience. Whether it is providing personalized consulting services through a professional sales team,or increasing the attractiveness of the booth by holding on-site interactive activities,every customer who visits the booth can feel our enthusiasm and professionalism.
This strategy of focusing on customer experience has paid off. Many buyers from different countries and regions showed great interest in our products and had in-depth exchanges and negotiations on site. The signing of multiple large orders not only proves the international competitiveness of IDEA products,but also reflects the continued expansion of our brand influence.